In this session you learn how to get your phone hotter than you. We are scrolling collectively through our smartphones until
they have the right temperature to release and relax your tightened muscles. The #hotphone massage is a deeply soothing form of massage.
It's a helpful tool you can easily integrate in your daily life. It makes you fit again and activates new energy for you and your smartphone.
*light therapy inclusive
In Aram Bartholl's latest Workshop we learn how to switch our smartphone in a black and white mode: #eyemassage and instagram-addiction healing!
Sexed Realities - To Whom Do I Owe My Body? is a lecture by visual artist Anja Kaiser. The desire 4 sexed realities and their disruption is a promissed deconstruction of biological determinism.
The Feminizer are humidifiers spreading estrogen (known as the primary female sex hormone) in the air.
Anja Kaiser is head of the atmo-care-team, from sexed realities to relaxed realities.
The_happiest_couple_on_earth (Nina Buttendorf & Felix Deufel) will shake your b00bs noiseless with their bass-massage chair!
'Elsa is a busy queen! Every now and then she could really use a massage and relax a bit! Let's help her! Use your mouse to help Elsa!'
In Nadja's magnetic Nail Art Studio we do magnetic Nail Enhancement. Instead of implants we are doing EXPLANTS! Feel Electric Magnetic Waves! It makes your life easier and more beautiful!